Wednesday 7 September 2016

What are the Olympic Games?

This is an explanation we have been working on in class. We were writing this explanation for a person who does not know what the Olympic Games are. We had to write paragraphs.
What are the Olympic Games?  
The Olympic Games are some sports games when athletes compete for their country.They are held in different countries every four years because they want peace.
The Olympic Games have sports like biking, swimming and rowing. When you win a sport you get a gold medal. If you come second you get a silver medal and if you come third you get a bronze medal.  If you want to do the Olympic Games you have to go through a test on your sport. In 2016 New Zealand beat their record in the most medals they ever had.
In the ancient Olympic Games the men wore no clothes. The married woman were not able to watch the games.They only went for 3 to 5 days long.

My opinion  of the Olympics is it is a great place to test your how good you are at your sports.

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