Welcome to my blog, I am a learner at Greymouth High School in Greymouth, New Zealand.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Pet Day Reveiw
Here is a Reveiw on Pet Day. These are three things I like about Pet Day. There are some photos of the pets and a cupcake.
Pet Day 2016
On the 21st of October Awahono School had a Pet Day. Pet Day is when we bring our pets to school. Nearly every person brought a pet. I will be talking about judging, pet parade and my first activity.
When you get to Pet Day they will tell you what you are doing, then it is judging time. You have to wait with your pet until the judge comes around. The judge will ask you some questions and they will tell you to walk your pet. I liked how the calves walked very fast.
After the judging there is the Pet Parade. You have to walk your pet to the bit of the field by the court. Then the teachers say the types of animals and if you have the pet she says, you have to walk it around the court. I liked this because it went very fast but some other times it went very slow because I could see a lot of pets at once.
After break we have our first activity. My one was cup cake decorating. I made a bull, a fish and a cat. Then we had to put the cupcakes in room six so people can see them. I liked it because my friend and I swapped lollies to make different pets.
Cup cake decorating, pet parade and judging are my favourite bits of Pet Day.
Friday, 9 September 2016
This is my self-portrait. I used oil pastels for the colours. One thing I learned was to put the eyes in the middle of the head. Something I found hard was to do the nose because we had to draw a straight line in line with the nose.
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
What are the Olympic Games?
This is an explanation we have been working on in class. We were writing this explanation for a person who does not know what the Olympic Games are. We had to write paragraphs.
What are the Olympic Games?
The Olympic Games are some sports games when athletes compete for their country.They are held in different countries every four years because they want peace.
The Olympic Games have sports like biking, swimming and rowing. When you win a sport you get a gold medal. If you come second you get a silver medal and if you come third you get a bronze medal. If you want to do the Olympic Games you have to go through a test on your sport. In 2016 New Zealand beat their record in the most medals they ever had.
In the ancient Olympic Games the men wore no clothes. The married woman were not able to watch the games.They only went for 3 to 5 days long.
My opinion of the Olympics is it is a great place to test your how good you are at your sports.
Improper Fractions
In my group we are working on improper fractions.Here is a picture what I made with my improper fractions.Scroll down to see the answer.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Typing Tutor
Every morning at school I go on typing tutor. My goal is to get full stars in 3 lessons. At the end of each lesson we get a badge.
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
Noa's Calf
This is a story I have been working on in class. It is about a boy named Noa.We were learning to describe.

Noa was a 4 year old boy who had black curly hair. He was wondering what to do later after breakfast.Then a cow caught his eye out the window.There was a cow stumbling around and it was very fat.Then he ran out the door to his bike and put on his helmet and sped to the cow in the front paddock. Bump, bump, he went as he biked over the pot holes.
Noa’s Calf
By Harrison
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
About Me
About me
Hi my name is Harrison and I am a year six. I go to Awahono School. I am in room six and my teacher is Mr Davey. I have one Sister. I like to play league and go hunting. I am in the under twelves league and my teams name is Waroka Hornets. I also play in the touch team for Awahono school. I like going to go camping at Okains Bay and Kiakoura. I live on a farm and usually help my Dad do the farm work. My pets names are Sandy and she is a German Sheperd dog and another dog named Tike and I love looking after my pet calve. Here is a picture of me.
Monday, 22 August 2016
Awahono School Mini Olympics
On August 19 Awahono School had a Mini Olympics day. Room 6 came up with some games like tug of war and gumboot throw. This is a picture of our class with their medals and we got awards for friendship and kindness.
Friday, 1 July 2016
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